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PCORNet VITAL Table Specification

  • 01 = Current every day smoker
  • 02 = Current some day smoker
  • 03 = Former smoker
  • 04 = Never smoker
  • 05 = Smoker, current status unknown
  • 06 = Unknown if ever smoked
  • 07 = Heavy tobacco smoker
  • 08 = Light tobacco smoker
  • NI = No information
  • UN = Unknown
  • OT = Other

"This field is new to v3.0. Indicator for any form of tobacco that is smoked. Per Meaningful Use guidance, “…smoking status includes any form of tobacco that is smoked, but not all tobacco use.” “’Light smoker’ is interpreted to mean less than 10 cigarettes per day, or an equivalent (but less concretely defined) quantity of cigar or pipe smoke. ‘Heavy smoker’ is interpreted to mean greater than 10 cigarettes per day or an equivalent (but less concretely defined) quantity of cigar or pipe smoke.” “…we understand that a “current every day smoker” or “current some day smoker” is an individual who has smoked at least 100 cigarettes during his/her lifetime and still regularly smokes every day or periodically, yet consistently; a “former smoker” would be an individual who has smoked at least 100 cigarettes during his/her lifetime but does not currently smoke; and a “never smoker” would be an individual who has not smoked 100 or more cigarettes during his/her lifetime.” "


  1. Is a former smoker a smoker?