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General Strategy for Modeling Health Care Facilities

A facility is defined as "an architectural structure that is the bearer of some function."

'hospital facility' has the following DL restriction: facility and (('is owned by' some 'hospital organization') or ('is administrated by' some 'hospital organization')) and (bearer_of some 'hospital function')

This definition ties the facility to an organization in addition to a function.
Question: Do we need to tie an organization to each of the types of health care facilities? At a minimum we could specify that are owned or administered by health care provider organizations.

Types of Health Care Facilities From PCORNet CDM DISCHARGE_STATUS

  • Urgent care
  • Ambulatory surgery
  • Hospice
  • Emergency department
  • Physician office
  • Outpatient clinic
  • Overnight dialysis
  • Rehabilitation
  • Skilled nursing
  • Residential
  • Nursing Home

Differentiation of Facilities

Facilities are material entities that are differentiated according to the functions they bear and the organizations that own or administer them.

Proposed Natural Language Definitions for Functions

Urgent care function - "A function inhering in a material entity that is realized by the material entity being the site at which outpatient healthcare is provided for illness or injury that requires immediate care but does not require a visit to an emergency department."

Ambulatory surgery function - "A function inhering in a material entity that is realized by the material entity being the site at which outpatient surgical care is provided to a patient population."

Hospice function - "A function inhering in a material entity that is realized by the material entity being the site at which inpatient palliative healthcare is provided to a patient population with a terminal prognosis."

Emergency department function - "A function inhering in a material entity that is realized by the material entity being the site at which emergency medicine and treatment of acute illness and injury is provided to a patient population."

Physician office function - in progress

Outpatient clinic function - "A function inhering in a material entity that is realized by the material entity being the site at which medical care is provided to a patient population and in which the patients receiving the medical care each stay for less than 24 hours."

Overnight dialysis clinic function - "A function inhering in a material entity that is realized by the material entity being the site at which hemodialysis is administered to a patient population at night or when the patient habitually sleeps."

Rehabilitation facility function - in progress

Skilled nursing facility function - in progress

Residential facility function - in progress

Nursing home function - in progress

Criteria of Differentiation of Functions

Outpatient, Inpatient, ER - in progress

Type of Care - in progress

Temporary or Permanent Living Arrangement - in progress

Other relevant terms

Skilled Nursing - in progress

Custodial Care - in progress