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ODK Migration March 2021

This document summarises the migration process to regular ODK setup in March 2021. It mainly serves historical purposes, tracing some of the decisions that were made, but also provides guidance on how to manage the migration process on the UFBMI side.

The original repo of DrOn was on bitbucket:

To make use of the GitHub ecosystem (GitHub actions for CI, GitHub releases), we migrated Dron to GitHub as well. This migration had one major downside: the GitHub maximum file size is 100 MB. This had two consequences:

  1. Large Dron components (dron-ndc, dron-ingredient and dron-rxnorm) could not be checked in directly.
  2. The Dron history could not be migrated, as the file size restriction applies to the git history as well.

The remainder of the documents details the other key changes.

Merge upper and hand into a single file

All the manually edited Dron axioms are now edited in src/ontology/dron-edit.owl. dron-upper.owl and dron-hand.owl, previously managed as separated OWL files, were merged into the new edit file as follows:

    $(ROBOT) merge -i $(SRC) -i components/dron-hand.owl  -i components/dron-upper.owl --collapse-import-closure false -o $(SRC).ofn && mv $(SRC).ofn $(SRC)

Comparing the new ODK-based dron.owl with the old dron.owl

The new DrOn release is a bit different than the old one. In the following we will discuss the differences in detail.

  1. Added imports. Same as in other ontologies, such as OMRSE, we added proper imports to the Relation Ontology RO and BFO. This ensures that DRON modelling is logically consistent with the BFO worldview, which keeps it compatible with other OBO/BFO-based ontologies. This means there are a few changes in and around external axioms, such as:
    • include BFO/RO axioms
    • added/removed CHEBI axioms
    • added/removed PRO axioms
  2. Inferred subclasses. If you open src/ontology/dron-edit.owl and run the reasoner, you will notice that DrOn has a good number of inferred-only subsumptions. Inferred-only subsumptions are those that the reasoner can deduce from the given axioms, but that are not asserted as a SubClassOf axiom. Example, if you run the reasoner in Protege, you will find that Ampicillin / cloxacillin suspension is asserted to be a subclass of drug suspension. However, you will also notice that it can be inferred to be a SubClassOf cloxacillin suspension:


It is important to remember that the standard ROBOT pipeline for the main ontology release a) runs the reasoner and b) strips out redundant axioms, see here. 3. Axiom removed due to unsatisfiability: See issue

Migration checklist for the DrOn team

The following section is intended as a guide for the DrOn team to fully migrate to the new ODK version of DrOn. The steps that need to be taken are as follows:

  1. Perform the repo review (see below)
  2. Migrate the GitHub repo to the ufbmi GitHub organisation
  3. Make a test release according the instructions
  4. If all good, change OBO foundry purls (Nico will do)

If there are problems along the way, the Knocean team will help you sort them out.

Below, we will first provide some instructions for a shallow must-do review, and then give some pointers to additional stuff that could be reviewed if the DrOn team is so inclined.

Instructions for shallow review

Note: When reviewing diffs, its good to keep in mind that lines starting with a - have been removed from the original DrOn, and lines with a + have been added.

  • Open ODK-based dron.owl (top level of GitHub repo) in Protege, side by side with the current dron.owl release (from Bitbucket) and spent 10 minutes looking for oddities in the upper levels of the class hierarchy (and perhaps a dozen terms and their annotations).
  • Review release-to-merge diff (DrOn only). This is the most important diff, which contains all axioms that actually involve DrOn classes that have changed between the current dron.owl release (from Bitbucket) and the merged form of the edit file (so essentially running robot merge on src/ontology/dron-edit.owl). This should be empty, or tiny. Currently, the only axiom in the diff head to be removed because of unsatisfiability (see issue).
  • Review release-to-build diff (DrOn only) (only elements that actually involve DrOn classes). This is already considerably larger, containing all axioms that have changed between the current dron.owl release (from Bitbucket) and the ODK-released version of DrOn. It is worth cherry picking some axioms from the diff and checking them in Protege (open dron-edit.owl in Protege and run Elk reasoner). See above section on inference and imports in ODK-based dron.owl.

Instructions for in-depth review